Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Strain Season 2 Episode 1 (Spoilers)

Technically this should be the start of the televised version of the second book, "The Fall". But it seems like season 2 is starting the way the original book, "The Strain", started. I'm okay with this. I liked the origin story in the book and they seemed to have captured it well. By the way I am indeed writing this as i watch the episode. Getting caught up on TV shows and movies can be a bit of a chore sometimes. Okay now it just took an interesting twist. I'm wondering if i'm spoiling the book that i'm only about half way through reading.  Thought the first couple of episodes would be safe to watch being that I read some of the second book already. The vampire is always looked at from a religious angle. I admit freely that I have not seen every vampire movie or TV show, but I can't think of any that ever tried responding to the threat from a scientific or medical perspective.  I love how Ephraim Goodweather just knew it had to be a virus of some sort he could cure and fought the evidence in front of him. Since I have not finished the triligy i hold out hope he finds a cure. Something tells me Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan are not those kinds of writers. Maybe I just misunderstood Zach, but I read his character in the first book then watched season 1 of The Strain and thought, man i was way off with that one. And congratulations to Kelly, for becoming a mother, again.

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